Installing jal is a prerequisite to building the pe2 war.
Increment the version in jal/project.xml
Increment the version of jal in pe2/project.xml
Remember to change version number of jar in messageboards init script.
The postgresql installation on rama is version 7.3.2 and has its character encoding set to SQL_ANSI which is some sort of abomination.
To create an sql file which can be read by current postgresql I did the following:
This resulted in my having to reinit the db and do everything all over again, so not sure the right way to do this.
I had to modify /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and change ident sameuser to trust to allow jdbc connects. This is not suitable for a non-development environment.
After which it is just a matter of mvn jetty:run !!